Getting Busy

Boy, I’ve been in a slump. I know what the main issues are. I just haven’t been able to address them. First, my craft room is too messy. It needs to be cleaned out. I can’t work or do videos in there when it is so disordered. The other issue is the one of selling vs. having fun. I think every demonstrator has gone through this some time or another. I’m retired and have a pretty active life. Do I want a business, hence a job, or do I want to have a hobby? I know the answer to that for me is to stay in the middle. I enjoy sharing the craft with others. I need some sales to continue buying for myself, but am not willing to devote time to build a business. There are just not enough hours in a day! There are so many very talented demonstrators out there. There is always more to learn, but in my own time.

For now and until I get my craft room in order, I am taking a break. No videos, no classes, no big purchases. Once all is back in order, I can reevaluate what I want to do. Tomorrow, the clean out begins!

Thank you to all who have stuck with me these last years. I really do appreciate the business. It helps me to continue enjoying my hobby.

Author: Niecy

I am a wife, mother, sister, auntie, friend. I retired from teaching middle school years ago and love my freedom in retirement. I craft, read, write, see movies, exercise, and spend time with loved ones. I have scleroderma, a chronic illness, but scleroderma does not have me. Positivity in this crazy world keeps me sane and happy.

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